Ginga Densetsu: A Ginga RPG
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Ginga Densetsu: A Ginga RPG

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Number of posts : 39
Age : 30
Localisation : Rockin' Around! The christmas tree!
Registration date : 2007-06-19

Anchovy Empty
PostSubject: Anchovy   Anchovy Icon_minitimeTue Jul 17, 2007 1:32 pm

1- Furc User Name:Anchovy

2-Ginga RPG name:Anchovy

3-Pack/Loner(looking?):Loner.. Kind of looking.


5-Species: Canis Familiaris (Doberman)

6-Colors: Reddish-brown overcoat. Off-white belly, chest, chin, and inside of legs. Black ears. Dark Blue eyes.

7-RP Sample: Anchovy.. the name was unknown to these parts. To all parts, actually. The name describes a red Doberman, who was sitting casually on a rock nearby the sacred Gajou. He blinked lazily, oblivious to anything that was happening around him. His black pointed ears were directed at his sides, slumping from not hearing anything of interest. As he breathed, his muscular white chest expanded and fell back. The white from his chest stretched to the bottom of his chin, and to to bottom of his tail. His blue eyes surveyed his surroundings as he stretched his long neck around. Seeing nothing, he folded his left foreleg over his right, and laid his head on it. A sigh escaped from deep in his lungs, he had nothing to do. That was ok, to him. He had all the time in the world..

8-History: Anchovy was born in a small fishing village on the Sea of Japan. He was born to two local strays, whom are unknown as of now. He lived in the village for the best part of 3 years, until P4 escaped from the laboratory and went on a killing spree, which wiped out the whole village. He, however, had survived, and, not knowing what else to do, became a wanderer.He is currently wandering the Ohu territory.

9-Reference Picture: Don't have one yet.
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